Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Effective Communication using TELUS Business Connect


In today’s modern world, many in the labor force have transitioned from working at the office to working in the comfort of their homes. As a result, effective communication between the management and coworkers has never been more critical. 

Luckily, with new technology coming out every so often, everyone can now communicate effectively and work smoothly, ensuring the company’s success even with the harsh competition of other industries.

Introducing TELUS Business Connect

Staying in touch with your coworkers has never been so easy, and it is because of the latest system known as the TELUS Business Connect. Users can enjoy an upgraded experience connecting with managers, coworkers, clients, and more.

TELUS Business Connect offers its users a broader scope of image, voice, video, fax, and audio communication features.

Aside from this, all of these features are designed so you can rest assured that you will be able to communicate with the people you need to communicate with, regardless of your location.

Understanding TELUS Business Connect

VoIP or the Voice over Internet Protocol is what made this latest system possible. The whole system works by making adjustments to the analog phone system and then recreates them into data that is readable by the device of the user. 

Because of this neat system, the user can engage in several multimedia communications with the help of the internet. VoIP systems are practical and ideal option for companies to ensure that their employees can communicate effectively even when working from home. The VoIP system will work as long as the user is connected to the internet.

Here are the perks of using the VoIP system:

  • Better quality of calls
  • Better security features
  • Cheaper hardware costs
  • Low maintenance cost
  • Video and audio conferences are user-oriented
  • Simple maintenance and modification
  • It can be expanded easily

What Are the Advantages of TELUS Business Connect?

TELUS Business Connect features a unique combination of audio and video conferencing with VoIP phone system. This means that you can enjoy more benefits and not just the advantages of VoIP alone.

Should you start using TELUS Business Connect in your everyday operations, you will notice increased communication efficiency among your workers. 

The TELUS Business Connect is an excellent option to improve the phone systems of a company. This is because the right tools and the proper communication features can significantly impact time management. 

Furthermore, the convenience and ease of use features of the TELUS Business Connect will instill a positive attitude among the employees as they are assured that they can connect to anyone in the company when they need to. 

  • Higher Productivity

A better phone system will improve the company’s communication making the job flow faster and more economical.

This, in turn, will increase the productivity of a company. Furthermore, since there are fewer disruptions, employees can shift their focus to other tasks since calls are more efficient and will not take too much time.

  • Cost-Efficient

Compared to other phone systems, TELUS Business Connect is more cost-efficient as it requires less maintenance, implementation, and other future enhancements. This means that your budget for your company’s phone system can be transferred to other uses.

Business Connect and VoIP phone systems also have a centralization feature that gets rid of recurring and wasted resources that are allocated for non-productive strategies for communication.

  • Universal Compatibility

TELUS’s new business phone is compatible with several devices, including laptops, phones, smartphones, computers, tablets, and more.

The flexibility of this device ensures effective communication whenever needed. As a result, using this business phone from TELUS is significantly better than using traditional phones.

Because of the expanded form of transmitting information, more business opportunities can be generated. In addition, because this phone system allows communication globally, the company has more access to potential clients from around the world.

  • Reliability

The calls of the clients and employees are sure to be catered because of Business Connect’s feature that automatically redirects phone calls during operating hours to the available members of the team.

With this type of effective communication, team members can function optimally, and clients’ satisfaction will increase. Lastly, this new and upgraded technology will motivate team members and boost their overall morale.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Exceptional Efficiency and Scalability with TELUS Fleet Complete


Business management tools are becoming more widely used all the time as business owners continually explore ways to improve productivity, organization, and security to gain an edge over the competition and protect sensitive data and valuable assets.

What can TELUS Fleet Complete do for your business?

If you have multiple vehicles or other important assets to keep secure, TELUS Fleet Complete uses GPS tracking to monitor those assets to keep them safe and working in top order. The comprehensive platform allows to you easily and efficiently keep track of all your work vehicles and how they are performing.

Ease and Convenience

Additionally, the system also works to electronically log employee hours for ease and convenience to monitor driving behaviors and vehicle status to eliminate bad habits and superfluous expenses. Poor driving habits like speeding, excessive idling, and rapid acceleration are hard on vehicles and massive fuel wasters.

Customer Relations

TELUS Fleet Complete will allow dispatchers to map out the most efficient route, taking into consideration any construction or other obstacles that may contribute slower progress, late deliveries, and missed deadlines. Providing accurate delivery estimates helps to improve customer satisfaction, and drivers can even provide real time updates if problems occur.

TELUS Fleet Complete Features and Services

The TELUS Fleet Complete package comes equipped with a variety of exceptional features that can provide tremendous benefits to your daily business practices.

  • Fleet Tracker
  • Asset Tracker
  • HoS Tracker
  • Intact Insurance Solution

TELUS Fleet Tracker

This feature is extremely useful for any business that has multiple vehicles to monitor and maintain. The system provides a real time location for all of your vehicles as well as performance data like the speed and direction they are traveling. The GPS tracker provides excellent insight into how vehicles are being handled to prevent exorbitant fuel expenses and dangerous driving.

The fleet tracker also provides updates and notifications when routine maintenance is required to avoid costly repairs and replacements.

Asset Tracker

Similar to the Fleet Tracker, the Asset Tracker also keeps track of your valuables in real time. This feature is great for monitoring construction equipment, heavy machinery, and even temporary office trailers to ensure they are kept safe.

It also works well for shipped cargo that you want to be able to monitor as it travels to its destination. Whatever the asset you want to keep track of, the straightforward process is the same. Simply affix the GPS tracking device to your asset and you can then receive notification alerts for any unauthorized activity. The long-lasting battery powered devices can last run for up to three years on a single charge.

TELUS HoS Tracker

In addition to monitoring your vehicles and assets, you can also monitor employee activity through TELUS Fleet Complete. Automatic logging of driver hours helps maintain consistency and prevent work-hour disputes. It is also helps prevent inefficient route selection and employees taking extended breaks or attending to personal matters on company time.

Intact Insurance Solution

Vehicles with GPS tracking installed are eligible to participate in the Intact Insurance Solution. This program rewards good driving behaviours with reduced insurance rates. The focus is on avoiding expensive and dangerous driving habits like speeding, rapid acceleration, and abrupt braking.

Business Benefits of TELUS Fleet Complete

There are an abundance of advantages to using TELUS Fleet Complete to help manage your business operations. A few of the most impressive benefits are:

  • Enhanced security
  • Improved customer service
  • Reduced operational expenses

Enhanced Security

Prevent loss and theft with TELUS Fleet Complete. Real time GPS tracking allows you to know exactly where all your vehicles and assets are at all times. It also encourages safer driving habits to reduce accidents, injury, and hefty repair bills.

Improved Customer Service

More efficient communication makes it easier for dispatch, drivers, and customers to stay on the same page. Providing precise information about deliveries and onsite job work creates reasonable expectations and helps reduce complications and unpleasant surprises.

Reduced Operational Expenses

Perhaps the greatest benefit is the reduction in daily costs by eliminating unnecessary expenses. Streamlining communications, practicing safe and responsible driving behaviors, and performing essential routine maintenance on vehicles all contributes to increased profits.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Improve Business Communications with Cloud Phone Systems

Enhancing communications with customers and clients is an excellent way to improve customer service and form lasting client relationships. Finding ways to be more accessible and available to customers when they require service is essential for repeat business. Cloud phone systems can help increase convenience and functionality for employees and customers alike.

How does a Cloud Phone System work?

As the name would suggest the platform is hosted on the cloud, to be accessed round the clock through an internet connection. This makes connecting with customers easy and convenient, and also provides business owners and managers with an assortment of useful data to personalize and customize client relations. This data is securely stored on a protected server to ensure that sensitive information is not accessible to unauthorized parties.
Cloud systems operate over VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, that makes phone calls possible from any device connected to the internet with a microphone and speakers. This is an excellent platform for streamlining your business communications, while reducing operating costs at the same time. TELUS offers this exceptional service for businesses of all sizes and scopes through TELUS Business Connect.

Useful Features and Functions of TELUS Business Connect

TELUS Business Connect offers users a VoIP cloud phone system that is feature rich and versatile to accommodate a wide range of communication needs. This comprehensive service effectively links all your team members, across all their various departments with a VoIP phone solution.
Some of the excellent features for business to take advantage of, include:
  • Integrated locations
  • One phone number operation
  • Reduce communication costs
  • Call conferencing
  • Easy management
  • Improved productivity

Integrated Locations

VoIP technology for Business Connect is an excellent way to integrate multiple offices or locations into a single communication solution for better uniformity and less confusion. It allows companies that operate out of various locations to all work under the same phone number for ease of customer contact. Users at any location can be easily added and removed as part of the system.

One Phone Number Operation

Businesses with multiple contact numbers can cause frustration for customers and clients that have to try several numbers before they reach the person or department they are looking for. Cloud phone systems help simplify your company contact information providing a single local and toll free number, that can be accessed on virtually any device. Offering a toll free number is a great business feature, as callers know they will not be hit with any unexpected charges.

Reduce Communication Costs

Using cloud based VoIP technology for business communications is an excellent way to cut down on expenses. The TELUS Business Connect service comes with an assortment of useful features at no extra cost for your business. This is also cost saving for your customers as they will never experience any additional charges regardless of the location and device they are calling from.

Call Conferencing

Video and audio call conferencing features are extremely useful business features that help employees easily stay connected with each other as well as clients. It is also a great way to hold meetings, eliminating the need for time consuming and productivity killing commutes. This function is also excellent for remote workers collaborating on group projects.

Easy Management

Business connect makes it easy to manage all calls for your business, as well as useful customer data. Information like call logs, caller locations, and talk time can provide better insight into each client to offer more personalized customer service. The all-in-one portal hub also allows for call forwarding and call routing to ensure important calls are never missed.

Improved Productivity

All the excellent features inherent in cloud phone systems help improve productivity, performance, and communication. Better communication between coworkers means better business operations for your staff as a whole. More accessible communication with clients means more dedicated customer service, and happier customers. Getting things done more quickly and efficiently helps improve overall productivity. Synching all communication practices into one integrated platform can help reduce headaches and overall expenses for your business.

Monday, January 20, 2020

5 Reasons to Get a Business VoIP Phone System for Customer Support

It makes good sense for businesses of any size to make the switch to a VoIP phone system. Businesses all across Canada, and all over the world, are converting to VoIP phone systems because of the range of benefits they provide.

Why make the switch to a VoIP Phone System?

The growing trend is for companies to move the majority of operations, including data storage, to the cloud or an online platform. This is mainly being done in the name of efficiency, while cutting down on unnecessary costs, without having to sacrifice security.
The same is true for telecommunications. Business owners are making the decision to transition to an internet based communication platform, instead of housing bulky local equipment for conventional phone services.
VoIP phone systems offer efficient, cost-effective, and secure solutions for all your telecommunication needs.

How does VoIP work?

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP phone systems work by using a digital broadband connection to transmit the digital signals over the internet, instead of the analog signals traditional phone lines use.

5 Excellent Reasons to a VoIP Phone System for your Business

VoIP phone systems can offer TELUS businesses a multitude of advantages over traditional phone systems.
5 of the most impressive reasons to make the transition, may be:
  • Versatility
  • Flexibility
  • Quality
  • Productivity
  • Cost


VoIP phone systems offer a lot more functionality than just making and receiving calls. Some other features of VoIP, include:
  • Instant messaging
  • Teleconferencing
  • Video conferencing
  • Call transfer
  • Voicemail
  • File transfer
  • Presence information (i.e. setting your status to available / not available)
Plus, users can make and receive calls from any location with a stable internet connection, using a variety of devices. This makes long distance and international calling easy and cost effective.
VoIP systems are perfect for making calls on the road while traveling. You can be accessible to colleagues and clients at all times with VoIP phone systems.


VoIP phone systems are also extremely flexible and easily scalable. Many people think VoIP systems are only beneficial for large businesses. Small businesses can get just as much value out of these systems.
Unlike traditional systems, there is no limit to the number of users VoIP systems can support. This makes it an easily scalable platform to add or remove users at any time.
VoIP systems are also flexible in the sense that they do not rely on a single provider for connection. For example, if there is a power outage or an issue with a traditional phone system provider, then your business is out of luck until power is restored.
With a VoIP phone system, all you need is an internet connection.


You may think that you would be sacrificing call quality with a VoIP phone system. This is not the case at all. In fact, if you are using a reliable internet connection with ample bandwidth, then the call quality you get is likely to be even clearer than conventional phone lines.


You no longer have to worry about missing an important phone call from a client, and then calling them back only to find out that person has left the office.
With VoIP, a single phone number can be programmed to ring across multiple devices so there are a number of opportunities to answer before it goes to voicemail.
This helps reduce client frustration, and improve customer service.


Not only do VoIP phone systems offer better functionality and flexibility, they also offer a more cost effective solution for your business’s telecommunication needs.
Traditional phone systems come with high installation and set up costs, plus hefty monthly fees and maintenance expenses.
With a VoIP phone system, you only have to worry about one network and one bill for all telecommunication operations.
Long distance and international calling is free when calling one VoIP network to another.
Teleconferencing and video conferencing features can help cut down on travel time and expenses for business meetings.
Everything from equipment to operating costs is more affordable with a VoIP phone system.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

GPS Tracking Provides Huge Benefits for Fleet Management

For businesses with multiple vehicles in their employ, it can be a challenge to manage them all effectively and efficiently. Every year millions of dollars are lost to unnecessary vehicle wear and tear, wasted productivity, misplaced assets, and high insurance premiums.
Fleet management with a GPS tracking system can help streamline business operations and allow owners and managers to keep a close eye on vehicle health and employee behaviors. Erratic and irresponsible driving behaviors contribute to the reduced life of vehicles and inflated fuel expenses.
Research done on the benefits of GPS tracking systems, found that more than 75% of companies that used GPS tracking in their vehicles, experienced a considerable boost in overall productivity. TELUS GPS trackers can help business of all sizes improve their bottom line in an assortment of ways.

7 Benefits of GPS Tracking for Fleet Management

Businesses are always looking for ways to increase performance and output, while minimizing expenses. GPS tracking offers advantages that can help your company achieve those goals.
7 of the major benefits of GPS tracking systems, may include:
  • Fleet efficiency
  • Live data feedback
  • Reduced maintenance
  • Lower fuel costs
  • Automated driver logs
  • Enhanced safety
  • Reduces insurance premiums

Fleet Efficiency

GPS tracking systems offer a number of advantages for the improved efficiency of your vehicle fleet. It helps determine the best route available for each job, and ensure it is followed. You will be able to see where the vehicle is at all times, and ensure they are carrying a full load. This can be very helpful for matching the right vehicle with each upcoming task. For instance, if a client makes a request, you can easily see which driver is closest and the nature of their current activity. GPS tracking also helps make sure that deadlines are being met, and unauthorized breaks and detours are not being taken.

Live Data Feedback

GPS trackers allow for real time updates for all kinds of useful information regarding your fleet. This provides a clear picture of driver behavior and vehicle status. Rapid acceleration and abrupt stops are horrible for fuel efficiency and vehicle wear. Excessive idling and speeding also contribute to a massive waste of fuel. Even taking turns at high speeds can cause irregular wear on tires, increasing the frequency of replacements.
GPS feedback allows you to observe these actions as they are happening to help correct bad driving habits, prolonging the life of your fleet.

Reduced Maintenance

These real time reports on driving behavior and vehicle health also offer the benefit of reduced maintenance efforts and costs. This allows for more effective scheduling of routine maintenance to keep vehicles running at optimal condition at all times. Alerts are given when maintenance is required, based on vehicle activity and engine metrics. This helps avoid against unnecessary maintenance and expensive repair costs.

Lower Fuel Costs

Eliminating all of the bad driving habits associated with increased fuel costs is a tremendous advantage of GPS tracking. Cutting out excessive idling, speeding, hasty acceleration, sudden stops, sharp turning, and inefficient route planning can save huge dollars in fuel expenses.

Automated Driver Logs

GPS Fleet Tracking System helps efficiently log driver hours and activities electronically, to offer a reliable system for keeping track of employee hours, mileage, and availability. It also helps with documentation required for roadside inspection and the forms required. Electronic reporting is provided to comply with ELD regulations when crossing the border.

Enhanced Safety

GPS tracking can also help improve the safety of your vehicles as well as your employees. When drivers know their actions are being monitored, they are more likely to drive in a safe and responsible manner. Cutting out dangerous driving habits is beneficial to everyone involved. It is also useful in the case of accident or emergency, providing quicker emergency response and even shedding some light on details of the accident.

Reduced Insurance Premiums

Another cost-cutting advantage is a reduction in monthly insurance costs. Most insurance companies offer a discount on monthly premiums for vehicles with GPS tracking systems installed.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

VoIP FAQs – Why is it Good for Business?

Businesses of all sizes are showing great interest in VoIP phone systems. What is all the buzz about?
VoIP phone systems can be extremely beneficial for business communications for many reasons. People tend to have quite a few questions about VoIP services and what they have to offer.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about VoIP technology.

FAQs about VoIP for Business

It is important to do your research before implementing a new technology in your business operations, so here is some useful information about VoIP.

1.      What is VoIP?

A good way to get things started is to look at what VoIP technology is exactly. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, and it allows for traditional telephone services to be practiced over the internet.
It works by converting analog voice signals to digital data, and then this data gets sent to the intended party over Internet Protocol Networks.
It is a much more efficient and effective way to provide optimal telecommunication services for your business.

2.      Are VoIP Services for business expensive?

Not only are VoIP telecommunication services more flexible and versatile, they are also cheaper. There is much less equipment to worry about, and therefore much less chance of problems arising with that equipment.
VoIP networks are quick and easy to install and maintain, and will likely cost a fraction of your conventional phone service. Businesses making the switch to VoIP technology are reporting anywhere between 30 – 70% cost savings over the old service.

3.      Can VoIP services be deployed over the existing telecommunication infrastructure?

While it is possible to use analog adapters with your existing phone equipment, it is not a recommended practice. This makes the network more complicated and more likely for issues to occur.
The equipment needed for VoIP communications is minimal, all you need computer, VoIP software, and a headset, and you are ready to go. This streamlined network is very easy to maintain.

4.      What is the Call Quality like with VoIP Services?

Many people expect a decline in quality when switching to VoIP services, but the call quality is often improved over a VoIP network, especially for long distance calls.
With the right cabling and network configuration you will be able to send and receive top quality VoIP calls anywhere in the world.
If you find your VoIP call quality lacking, you can try:
  • Upgrading ethernet cables to CAT6
  • Getting a new headset
  • Monitor the traffic in your network
  • Get a VoIP specialized router
  • Ensure you have sufficient bandwidth

5.      How much Bandwidth is needed for VoIP Communications?

While there is no specific minimum bandwidth requirement for VoIP communications, the amount of bandwidth available on your network will be directly related to call quality and call volume.
The more bandwidth in your network, the more high quality calls you will be able to partake in. For businesses that are switching to a VoIP network, a fast and reliable internet connection is highly recommended.
VoIP capabilities can also be affected by QoS (Quality of Service).

6.      How does QoS (Quality of Service) affect VoIP?

Making sure the QoS is set on your router can help improve the capacity of your VoIP network.
QoS settings can help ensure priority is being given to the most important applications in the network, such as VoIP calling.

7.      How can VoIP services help my business?

There are all kinds of advantages VoIP telecommunication services can offer your business. A lot of companies are transitioning several business operations to the cloud, and telecommunications is no exception.
Some of the major benefits of VoIP services for businesses, may be:
  • Improved employee productivity
    • Time saver
    • Workload management
    • Remote connectivity
  • Multifunctionality
    • Instant messaging
    • Email
    • Teleconferencing and videoconferencing
    • Call forwarding
    • Voicemail
  • Integrated customer relations management
  • Call recording to improve quality
  • Security – encrypted data protection
  • Portability

Thursday, September 26, 2019

What is a cloud phone system?

A cloud phone system is a system that is hosted in the cloud, so that all your data is securely stored on a protected server that you can access by internet.
Using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, cloud phone systems are being implemented to take the place of traditional or conventional landlines.
This process is typically carried out and hosted by a third-party service provider such as C&I Technologies.

TELUS Business Connect Products, Services

TELUS Business Connect is the perfect way to stay connected to all your clients. It is also a great way to stay available, and be easy to connect with, for new potential customers.


There are a variety of phone styles to choose from, depending on your Business Connect needs. Some of the products to choose from are:
  • Cordless phones
  • Desk phones
  • Conference phones
  • Receptionist phones
Whatever your communication needs may be, there is an applicable product available to service those requirements.


You will be able to perform an assortment of services with TELUS Business Connect.
Some of the services available are:
  • Call management
  • Conference calling
  • Call routing

Call Management

Easily manage all your calls and Business Connect services with the all-in-one portal hub.
Never miss important business calls, which could regrettably result in lost business opportunities.

Conference Calling

It is now easier than ever to virtually connect with your clients using audio or video conference calling.
Conference calling is great for team collaboration projects, especially when team members are spread across various locations.

Call Routing

TELUS Business connect makes it easy to set up a call directory for your business. Make it effortless for your customers to reach the people or department they are looking for